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Penny Stocks With Multiple Bags For 2025

A penny stock refers to those stocks whose face value is generally INR 10 or below. When an investment made in penny stocks results in multifold returns, the stock is called a multi-bagger penny stock. 

Investing in penny stocks is a very high risk proposition and it is only advisable for seasoned investors to make investment in such stocks after careful analysis and due diligence. 

Your investment in penny stocks can simply turn to dust and it is this high level of ambiguity in your ability to ensure you earn returns that makes penny stocks unreliable. 

Here’s a list of penny stocks that have given multi-bagger returns over a one-year period, two-year period, three-year period and penny stocks that have the capability to turn multi-bagger in 2025. 

Top Multi-bagger Penny Stocks in the Last 1 Year


Multi-Bagger Penny Stocks in the Last 2 Years


Multi-Bagger Penny Stocks in the Last 3 Years


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How to find multi-bagger penny stocks?


The best way to find multi-bagger penny stocks to evaluate three main metrics: 

  • Company’s fundamentals and profitability
  • Company’s debt obligations and growth prospects
  • Stock performance showing resilience

Which stocks are the most popular multibagger penny stocks right now?


Among the most popular penny stocks that have turned multi-bagger quite recently are Kaiser Corporation, Hemang Resources and KBS India.


Article information

Author: Jasmine Sanchez

Last Updated: 1698873122

Views: 1850

Rating: 3.6 / 5 (81 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jasmine Sanchez

Birthday: 2011-11-18

Address: 87278 Derek Knolls, Justinside, MD 95489

Phone: +4042798918085607

Job: Surveyor

Hobby: Tennis, DIY Electronics, Role-Playing Games, Gardening, Board Games, Archery, Rowing

Introduction: My name is Jasmine Sanchez, I am a forthright, Colorful, fearless, venturesome, exquisite, intrepid, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.