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Texts From Crypto Behemoth Binance Show Their Strategy to Avoid You S the authorities

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    Binance exploded onto the crypto scene in 2017 and grew into the world’s biggest digital-currency exchange. It quickly ran into a problem.

    It largely operated from hubs in China and then Japan, yet a fifth of its customers were in the U.S., where authorities signaled a coming crackdown on unregulated offshore crypto players. Any lawsuit from U.S. regulators would be like “nuclear fall out” for Binance’s business and its officers, a Binance executive warned colleagues in a 2019 private chat.

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    Author: Michael York

    Last Updated: 1698683522

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    Name: Michael York

    Birthday: 1966-06-10

    Address: Unit 7802 Box 9237, DPO AE 54663

    Phone: +4517367554369851

    Job: Electrician

    Hobby: Running, Cooking, Card Collecting, Camping, Crochet, Skydiving, Aquarium Keeping

    Introduction: My name is Michael York, I am a candid, sincere, vibrant, receptive, vivid, Determined, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.