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  • Finance minister planned some €6 Billion of measures for firms
  • Draft bill blocked in cabinet by Family Affairs Minister Paus

Lisa Paus

Photographer: Andreas Gora/Pool/Getty Images

Germany’s Greens vetoed Free Democrat Finance Minister Christian Lindner’s plans to provide several billion euros of tax relief to companies to spur growth as the governing coalition’s junior partners resumed infighting over spending.

The last-minute move by Family Affairs Minister Lisa Paus came a few weeks after the budget chief rejected her request for at least €7 billion ($7.6 billion) of additional money for child benefits, granting only €2 billion.

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German Greens Veto Tax-Relief Plan in New Coalition Spat


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Author: Scott Lynch

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Name: Scott Lynch

Birthday: 1964-11-07

Address: 997 Carter Light Suite 068, Powersmouth, MA 36471

Phone: +4759427689587529

Job: Cryptocurrency Analyst

Hobby: Badminton, Fishing, Chocolate Making, Tennis, Skateboarding, Role-Playing Games, Graphic Design

Introduction: My name is Scott Lynch, I am a esteemed, priceless, unwavering, steadfast, variegated, welcoming, forthright person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.