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Following the withdrawal of liquid assets from the Treasury, Real Estate-Backed Stablecoin USDR De-Pegs

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    Polygon-based stablecoin Real USD (USDR), backed by real estate holdings, saw its value drop to nearly $0.51 within a few hours after its treasury was drained of DAI.

    According to on-chain data published by Tangible DAO, the entity behind USDR, the treasury currently holds zero DAI, with the only liquid assets being a roughly $6.2 million insurance fund for a circulating supply of 45 million USDR — worth $45 million when pegged.


    The treasury is also backed by the token TNGBL. However, market data from CoinGecko shows that its total 24-hour trading volume is less than $300,000 with a bid depth of less than $5,000 on UniSwap, making it impossible to liquidate large amounts.

    Data from a Polygon block explorer shows that some traders are selling USDR in USDC trading pairs for pennies on the dollar.

    USDR's website shows that the project is offering a 16% yield.

    Edited by Aoyon Ashraf.


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    Author: Mr. Jesse Wade

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    Introduction: My name is Mr. Jesse Wade, I am a enterprising, resolved, clever, Determined, lively, strong-willed, daring person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.